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Bob Lopatin


Physical Therapy

Physical or Occupational Therapist

Skylar Vitiello, PT, DPT

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I have weakness in my legs due to post-polio syndrome ("PPS"), arthritis, and bouts of sciatica. The muscular weakness in my right leg due to PPS is pronounced causing imbalance and frequent back pain. Challenges include staying on my feet for any length of time, climbing stairs, and even getting out of a chair. The physical therapy sessions have helped significantly in that while I began the sessions in great pain, now I am pain free. I am able to walk greater distances than before and am doing better with stairs. This progress is due to the exercises administered during the physical therapy sessions and those suggested to me by the physical therapists which I pursued and will pursue at home and in a gym. I want to add another comment addressing an intangible, but very real attribute about Orlin & Cohen's physical therapy office in Bellmore. There is a psychological component to wellness and the path to getting well. The obvious good cheer and comradery shared among the office staff fosters a sense of optimism and encouragement that is very helpful to those of us with pains and physical limitations striving to lead pleasant, happy lives and to be of benefit, not burdensome, to others.