Testimonial Image
Jake Kelly


Hip Labrum Tear

Physical or Occupational Therapist

Matthew Dobkowski, DPT, ATC, CSCS

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Fractured my hip in April 2023 believe that it had healed was cleared for sports and tore the labrum in November '23 was finally able to find surgeon to do surgery on March 8, 2024. Throughout the fracture and the labrum tear diagnosis Jake saw Matt at Orlin and Collin for physical therapy. Matt was very knowledgeable on how to treat Jake depending on how he was feeling if he was having a rough time and not feeling good Matt‘s physical therapy session would be more therapeutic and when Jake was feeling strong and feeling good it would be more physical and more endurance and strengthening. I think a lot of mental positivity was thanks to Matt, Matt had a way of talking him through things and he always felt better coming out of his physical therapy sessions. As you can imagine for a 14-year-old it was not a fun time for him and Matt definitely made the whole process much easier to get through.