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Leslie Wecksler & Pat Daly


Knee Surgery, Hips, Groin, and Hand Steroid Injections, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Hip, Foot

Performed By

Craig Levitz, M.D.

James A. Germano, M.D.

Bennett H. Brown, M.D.

John Feder, M.D.

Request an appointment

We are long-time patients of Orlin & Cohen orthopedists and treated at Orlin & Cohen physical therapy. In 2011, Pat had knee surgery with Dr. Levitz; Leslie had steroid injections into both hips and groin by Dr. Germano, and a steroid injection to the hand by Dr. Brown. We both began physical therapy with Franceso Policaro and his ART (Active Release Therapy) method, and an intensive program of exercise, facilitated at times by Judyanne Donohue, resulting in progress beyond our expectations, especially by Pat. We are competitive tennis players and were part of the 2011 USTA Super Seniors Nationals. Frank never doubted that we would be able to play and we did, finishing third out of 17 teams from around the country.

After the tournament, we continued as patients at Orlin & Cohen; Leslie saw Drs. Adler, Feder, Germano, and Brown again and resumed physical therapy and occupational therapy. Pat also returned to Dr. Levitz, as well as visiting Dr. Germano for hip pain and Dr. Saleem for a foot issue. Tennis takes a toll on a body, especially for super seniors!

In physical therapy, Francesco Policaro, and sometimes Jared Kipnis, continued to employ the ART method and literally held Leslie's body parts together. Claire Casatelli even jumped in to help Pat by teaching her how to apply kinesiology tape, a tool for reduction of inflammation and pain and to support an injured joint during strenuous activity. In addition, Michael Schmid contributed to both of our success by stretching the areas needed, and recommending a nutritional plan to ensure that we got more out of every workout and when playing tennis. We both adopted that plan and continue it now; both believing that it contributed to our recent number one finish at the 2012 Nationals.

We have been in and out of physical therapy for most of our lives in a variety of locations. We both agree that Orlin & Cohen physical therapy is by far the best and most successful experience with positive outcomes. Francesco Policaro and all his staff are consummate professionals who do an amazing job. A sincere thank you to everyone involved, our success has truly been a team effort!