Sotar L.
Physical TherapyPerformed By
John Feder, M.D.
Physical or Occupational Therapist
Pierre Dieudonne, PTA
Stephanie Ringbauer PT, DPT
Request an appointmentThe morning of Wednesday, January 17, 2024, I left my house to walk my regular route. The sun was out but it was a little cool. However, on my way returning home my whole life changed. When I slipped on ice and fell. I went down screaming. My left leg (from my knee down) was under my buttocks with my left foot twisted, while my right foot was straight out in front of me. I attempted to get up but was unable to move. I was in extreme pain and scared as tears rolled down my cheeks. My left leg, ankle, and foot started to swell immediately. I could not stand. At first, I thought I had just sprained my foot. Therefore, I took over the counter pain management pills and did other home remedies to stop my pain. After nothing worked, I visited my primary. It was at that time after I took x-rays, I was informed, I had a fractured ankle. I was referred to Dr. Feder at Orlin&Cohen Merrick office, after two visits at another orthopedic doctor’s office. Dr. Feder was very patient, compassionate, and maintained bedside manners at every visit. Dr. Feder did not only address the care of my fractured ankle but also my quality of life. He took the time to explain the progress of my ankle, the need to care for my health because of the healing process of my ankle. Dr. Feder maintained eye level by sitting down facing me not standing over me to have me looking up at him which reminded me I was the patient. This gave me a sense of value which I appreciated on each of my visit. I was very please with Dr, Feder total caring for me and would highly recommend him to anyone. I had two physical therapists and a physical therapist intern at the Garden City facility. Pierre Dieudonne and Stephanie Ringbauer, with an intern name Joe. Also, the physical therapists’ assistants, Troy, and Joey. This team were the best any patient can ever receive. When I first attended therapy, I was in a mess, physically and emotionally. My life changed dramatically that I was losing focus. I was unable to perform my house duties, shopping became a challenge, my everyday life, such as, standing put on my clothes became a daily task, enjoying my hobby- long walks were no longer part my life. Each of these issues made me very frustrated because my quality of life had diminished. When I started therapy and make known to my therapists, they give me hope. Pierre, Stephanie, and Joe explained to me step by step what exercises I need to perform to accomplish my goals- returning to the quality of life I once had and enjoyed. Their patience, co-operation, understanding, demanding work and caring characteristic is immeasurable. They saw my progress before I could have seen how much I had improved. They were extremely optimistic. There was time Troy made me laugh so loud that I forgot I was in therapy or had an issue with my ankle. They challenge me to try new exercises to improve my balance. They address problems I were experiencing to make my life easier. Such as, doing my housework, walking, standing for worship service. Each advise that given to me worked and it made me feel good within. I know without a doubt my God handpicked my physical therapy team because He knew I seriously needed help. He saw my grief, my tears and my pain and assigned me a group of people who knew better and who were equipped to help me rise above the incident. I thank God my team did not view my constant complaining of what I cannot do as an obstacle. But a tool to improve my quality of life. Everyone worked hand in hand to make sure I felt safe, cared for, and indicated all will be well as I regain strength in my ankle and my foot. I will never forget Pierre, Stephanie, Joe, Troy, and Joey. They will always be a part of my life. Many, many blessings to this great physical therapy team at Orlin&Cohen Garden City branch.