Testimonial Image
Steve Wells


Right Knee Replacement

Performed By

Michael J. Fracchia, M.D., A.B.O.S., F.A.A.O.S

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I had a knee replacement when I was 50 and recovered well. 25 years later I needed the other knee replaced. Dr. Fracchia performed the surgery in early December and 6 weeks later with physical therapy I'm doing great. Full range of motion from 0 to 125 + degrees. Now the therapy is concentrating on building strength in both legs and improving my balance. My hobby is surf fishing, many times off rocks at night, so fully functioning legs are very important to get on the rocks and maintain my balance with incoming waves. I am very encouraged that I can once again enjoy my surf fishing and get home safe thanks to Dr. Fracchia's skill and dedication to improving people's lives. Steve Wells