I started having pain and numbness in my hands and wrists shortly after the birth of my first child. As time passed, I started experiencing additional pain in my left thumb. I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel disease and de Quervain's syndrome. I tried braces, rest and therapy with little results over the years. I was still left with pain during most activities, persistent numbness causing many a sleepless night, and severe stiffness every morning.

I first met with Dr. Rho a few years ago, and although I know my situation was in no way unique to him, he patiently listened to the details of what I was experiencing. He explained the options I could take advantage of to possibly relieve my symptoms. He administered injections for my thumb with good but temporary results. Although surgery was an option discussed, I was nervous, but Dr. Rho put me at ease, walking me through the procedure and the potential outcome.

On April 4, 2013, Dr. Rho performed my surgery to correct the carpal tunnel and de Quervain's in my left hand. The procedure went smoothly. I no longer have pain, numbness or stiffness in that hand. I am actually able to sleep through the night, which is amazing. I am so pleased with and thankful for Dr. Rho's expertise, professionalism and patience.